
南京史德克贸易有限公司-霓佳斯nichias 华尔卡VALQUA PILLAR皮拉代理商    进口产品    EMT型/EBT型 可满足超高真空要求的涡轮分子泵Turbo Molecular Pump

EMT型/EBT型 可满足超高真空要求的涡轮分子泵Turbo Molecular Pump

  • EMT型/EBT型 可满足超高真空要求的涡轮分子泵

    涡轮分子泵、磁悬浮型/球轴承型、小型、轻量、可选择控制器一体型、可选择空冷/水冷式、满足联网需求、可选配高温/耐腐蚀规格、安装方式自由灵活、可满足CE标示/SEMI S2/NRTL要求

    Model EMT



    Magnetic bearing type

    ●Wide pumping speed variations from 340 to 3,300L/s

    ●Integrated controller

    ●Both air-cooled and water-cooled types available

    (except Model EMT2200MK and EMT3300MK)

    ●High-Temperature and anti-corrosion specification available (option)

    ●Lineup of a wide range of special specifications

    (e.g., high temperature and ultra-low vibration models)

    ●Can be set in any direction

    ●Network connection available

    ●Compliant with CE marking, SEMI & NRTL

    Ball bearing type

    ●Grease lubricated ball bearing type

    ●Wide pumping speed variations from 70 to 2,400L/s

    ●Compact, light weight, low cost

    ●Integrated controller types available

    (for Models EBT70 and EBT240 only)

    ●High shock resistance

    ●Air-cooled and water-cooled types available

    (air-cooled only for Models EBT70F and EBT240F)

    ●Can be set in any direction

    ●Network connection available

    ●Compliant with CE marking, SEMI & NRTL
